Misting Special Effects / Fog Effects

Recreating natural fog formations is in high demand for landscape artists, architects, theme park ride and exhibit designers, special effects professionals and a sprinkling of other professions. Fog effects are like the last highlight on a painting, without them you may not have noticed any significant difference in aesthetic beauty. However, once you decide to integrate fog effects into your production or environment, a life without them seems dreary and at a loss for color.

Fog may seem like an easy act of recreation. It isn’t. Fog is, by nature, extremely uncontrollable. Regulating the size, area and formation of the particles is determined by many factors, including wind, the angle of the sun and physical obstructions within its path. Determining the particle size, cloud type, integration design, and fog manifold angle are the design factors that NanoTech specializes in.

It is establishing the art of authenticity that drives our design efforts.  NanoTech  high-pressure fog pumps use only pure water so we can successfully mimic the same collection patterns found in natural fog formations while surrounding you with breathable, fresh air. As the water source supplies the pump, it is driven through our stainless steel fog manifolds that are configured and positioned based on the design of the installation. These can determine the visual outcome as well as affect the range of fog patterns possible.

Within the manifold, the water is then moved at high-pressure through the fog nozzles. Each fog nozzle is chosen based on the aesthetic desires of the client, the natural progression of possible obstructions, the climatic conditions and the amount of average air circulation that may occur. Each of NanoTech’s

Misting fogg systems, patio cooling fogg blowing from ground up trees, cooling hot spaces
Special Effects Misting

fog nozzles emit water particles small enough that will collect and create fog that is realistic and captivating.

The aesthetic ends of fog are infinite. Fog can create an atmosphere of glamour, enhance existing water formations, highlight fountain structures or add that layer of intensification you need. But probably most important, fog is used in almost any application to create an “atmosphere” or an ambiance. Establishing the backdrop of your presentation, the intensity of the production or simply highlight a landscape or architectural construction can be well communicated by adding professionally and precisely created pure water, high-pressure driven fog acting just like what it is: fog.

For great results in your venue contact NanoTech for high Pressure misting, Patio cooling and special events #mistingsystemsfrisco #Mistingsystemsdallas #mistingsystemstexas

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